Babe Watch - Danielle Volker

Do you know that old saying that people are brought into your life for a season or for a reason? I have no doubt in my mind that Danielle Volker, Owner of Anatomy of a Home, was brought in to my life for a reason. I met Danielle in the Metro Detroit women's business community, like I have met so many of my amazing business friends. The day I met her in person, I immediately felt this comfort and ease of being around how it is with an old friend that you've known your entire life. After that first meeting, I worked with her in a business group and immediately knew I wanted a closer connection so she became part of this mini-tribe of biz babes that I confide in and talk to (shout out also to Brandi of Honey and Home and Randee of Avabelle Boutique).
Before I gush on and on about Danielle, let me tell you a little about her business. If I had to describe Anatomy of a Home as a business, I would say it is a carefully and thoughtfully selection of curated products that focus on the beauty of simplicity and the concept of slow and intentional living. Anatomy of a Home has the most precious pieces for your home decor and essential living. As of late, she has also included some gift-able decor and accessories as well. Each product has an amazing story. I love checking her page regularly to see what new and beautiful things she has added. Each piece really represents Danielle and the life that she lives and I find that so beautiful.
Danielle is a beautiful soul. She is kind, gentle, intelligent, thoughtful. I am sincerely lucky to know her and I hope you guys enjoy learning more about her here...
Your Business / Service Name(s)
Anatomy of a Home
What is Your Website? Insta Handle? (Or However Else We Can Find You!), @anatomy.of.a.home,
Why Did You Decide To Start Your Business?
I love making people feel special through gifting and maintaining a cozy home when guests come visit. I would scour the internet finding small companies that were foot first in handmade unique goods and hand an eye on sustainability. From that I wanted expand that feeling to a wider audience helping ppl create cozy spaces and gift more intentionally.
Do You Have a Blog, Podcast, or Youtube Channel? Tell Us About It!
Maybe one day!
What Is The Best Advice You Can Give to A Woman Starting Her Business Venture?
I find I am most successful doing things I love. If you are fortunate to find what you love through being your own boss and starting a business, don't look back. You are only as limited as your mind can imagine. You can do it, you got this, and you are not alone.
What Is Something Most People Don't Know About You?
I grew up in the Netherlands.
What Does Your Typical Day Look Like?
Early morning wake ups with my sweet baby boy that was born in September, I have the coolest most awesome husband who does father/son time with him first this in the morning. During that time I try and tend to emails and social media. After that most of my day consists of 3 hour stints during his wake time. I try my hardest to focus on him when I am with him so no phone etc., but during his naps I will do heavier lifting like product photographs and prepare for whatever is coming up that week. I also like to workout daily, it's really important to me. It makes me feel good, centers me and is time just for myself.
Who Are Some Women That Inspire You? (Globally and Locally)
Dolly Parton, Michelle Obama, my good girlfriend Claire Ward, Greta Thunberg, Serena Williams, Sarah Schneider (local business owner), the Ladies from two Dope Queens, @love.little.sampsons, My mom, My sister, All the Detroit biz women I work with (YOU JACKIE*), honestly all my girlfriends (b/c duh that's why they are my friends), I mean just WOMEN...can I get an AMEN!
[Thank you, Danielle! You inspire me too! - Jackie]
What Was One Huge Business Flop or Problem That You Had to Endure and How Did You Handle That?
Product not creative and pivoted how I was marketing it and it worked!
What Accomplishment Are You Most Proud Of?
Saying YES and really just starting a business of my own. That first step is really the hardest.
What Do You Do For Self Care?
I am super into skin care the expensive cream, get the facial (it's the only skin we get)! Exercising especially going to classes, I really enjoying doing something active.
What Jobs Did You Work Before You Created Your Business? Tell Us Your Journey.
I was actually in the wellness world before starting my own business. My degree was in preventative medicine and I work for large scale corporations developing programs to keep their employee population healthy. Before that I worked in the non-profit world for a Detroit organization that empowered women and girls through educational programs and micro loan competitions. My original goal was to go to Physician Assistant school but after some bumps in the road I found out quite quickly it wasn't where my heart was.
Give Us Five Fun Facts About You!
1. I played Sandy in Grease in High school
2. I grew up in an Air Force family and moved every four years. I still enjoy traveling a ton
3. I can list all 50 states in alphabetical order
4. I am a music lover and my favorite band is Radiohead
5. I've got a wicked jump shot
What Sign Are You? Are You Into Astrology?
Do You Know Your Enneagram? If So, What Is It?
I don't! But, I keep meaning to find out.
What One Word Represents You Most.
What is Your Favorite The Posh Shop Co Product?
Kindness is gangster key chain HANDS DOWN